1968 Spring Concert
Sunday, May 19, 1968 @ 3:00pm
Gunn High School Auditorium
Gunn High School Auditorium
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Concert Program
- Now is the month of Maying Thomas Morley
- The Nightingale (Weelkes) Thomas Weelkes
- The Nightingales, Op. 137 Louis Victor Saar
- Four Songs 1. Es tönt ein voller Harfenklang Johannes Brahms
- Four Songs 2. Lied von Shakespeare Johannes Brahms
- Four Songs 3. Der Gärtner Johannes Brahms
- Four Songs 4. Gesang aus Fingal Johannes Brahms
- Waters Ripple and Flow
Arr: Deems Taylor
- Two Choruses from "Alice in Wonderland" Irving Fine
- Two Choruses from "Alice in Wonderland" - Father William Irving Fine