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CompositionComposer / Arranger
- Fragen, Op. 44, No. 4
Johannes Brahms
- Frère Jacques
- Full fathom five (Shakespeare Sequence Op. 66, No. 6)
John Gardner
- Fum, Fum, Fum! from The Seven Joys of Christmas
Traditional Spanish
Kirke Mechem
- Fuor de la bella caiba
Zoltán Kodály
- Gabriel's Message (Rutter)
Basque Carol
(arr) John Rutter
- Gamelan
R. Murray Schafer
- Gaude Barbara
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
- Gaudete!
(arr) Michael Neaum
- Gentle Lady
Anne Hege
- Gently, Gently
(arr) Royal Stanton
- Give Me More Love
- Gloria - from Missa Sancti Aloysii
Johann Michael Haydn
- Gloria
Agneta Sköld
- Gloria (Dufay)
Guillaume Dufay
- Gloria
Mark Simmons
- Gloria in edcelsis (Taverner)
John Taverner
- Gloria in excelsis Deo (from Gloria Kajoniensis)
Levente Gyöngyösi
- Gloria Kajoniensis
Levente Gyöngyösi
- Glory
David Willcocks
- Go Where I Send Thee!
(arr) Paul Caldwell & Sean Ivory
- God will give orders/Sweet child
Sarah Quartel
- Good Cheer
Brian Holmes
- Gracias a la vida
Violeta Parra
- Green Music
Kirke Mechem
- Haill! Quene of Heven (from Five Carols from Quem Quaeritis)
Ross Edwards
- Hamburger Sonata
C.P.E. Bach
- Hands upon the Plow
Jocelyn Hagen
- Hanget Soi
Heikki Sarmanto
- Hanukkah Blessings
Ron Jeffers
- Hark, I hear the harps eternal
(arr) Alice Parker
- Harriet Tubman
Walter Robinson
(arr) Kathleen McGuire
- He Came Down
(arr) Nancy Grundahl
- He's Gone Away
- Healing River
Fred Hellerman
(arr) Sheena Phillips
- Heart Spells
Mark Winges
- Heart Spells: 1. Spell to Be Said upon Waking
Mark Winges
- Heart Spells: 2. Spell to Be Said Before Sleep
Mark Winges
- Heart Spells: 3. Spell for Inviting-in the New Soul
Mark Winges
- Here is Holiness
Lou Harrison
- Herring Run
Carla Kihlstedt
- Heruvimskaya pesn (The Cherubic Hymn)
Alexander Kastalsky
- Hilisdevadel ("In Late Spring") from Kevadkillud ("Spring Sketches")
Veljo Tormis
- Historietas del Viento
Alejandro Yagüe
- Ho, who comes here
Thomas Morley
- Hodie Apparuit
Orlando di Lasso
- Hodie Christus natus est
Sandra Milliken
- Hodie Christus natus est
József Karai
- Hodie, Christus natus est
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
- Hoj, Hura, Hoj
Otmar Mácha