The purpose of this program is to support the training of new choral conductors as a part of PWC’s mission of supporting the choral arts community.
The program will support 2-3 beginning to intermediate conductors. Program participants commit to participate fully in PWC for a full season (Aug- May). This program may be repeated as desired by the participants.
Program Participant Responsibilities:
– Sing in the chorus as a Core member and attend all weekly rehearsals, extra rehearsals, and performances.
– Meet with the artistic director (online or in-person) every two weeks for one and a half hours (with all conducting participants) as rehearsal preparation and score study course.
– Prepare to conduct one piece in our spring outreach concert.
– Prepare and lead one to two warmup sessions during a semester.
– Prepare two blog posts and social media posts for our community.
– 15 minutes of podium time on 3 different pieces over the course of the semester (approx. once per month), repertoire to be decided in advance by AD in conversation with the participant.
PWC will provide:
– 1 audio/video recording of the program participant in concert conducting.
– 1 audio/video recording of the program participant in rehearsal
– Consistent training and feedback on podium time from the PWC artistic director (approximately 10 hours of time per semester).
Program Fee: $500 (fee includes chorus tuition) per semester. Scholarships are available and the fee can be paid in installments.
Audition Requirements/Program Application:
– Email a letter of interest and attach a current CV or resume with your music related experience (including conducting, performing, teaching, and education) to [email protected].
– Request an audition for PWC and review our concert and rehearsal dates here.
Application due: August 10, 2024
Audition: August 12 or 15, 2024