The PWC welcomes support in several forms including concert tickets, donations, in-kind goods and services, grants, corporate sponsors, and participation in special events like our gala and programs such as eScrip. All donations are tax-deductible and can be made securely on our website. And everything big and small is very much appreciated. Please go to our Donations page for more information.
Join our Board of Directors
Here’s a chance to make a difference in the performing arts of the Bay Area! The Peninsula Women’s Chorus is looking for energetic volunteers to serve on our board of directors. The board is seeking individuals from the community who have expertise in the areas of fundraising, publicity, strategic planning, legal, and/or finance. This is an exciting time for the PWC as we celebrate 50 years of music making!
Should you be interested in serving on the board of this award-winning women’s choral ensemble, please telephone (650) 327-3095 or send an email to [email protected] to discuss this opportunity further.
The PWC auxiliary
The PWC auxiliary provides support for the PWC during the concerts by ushering and selling tickets and CDs. If you are interested in volunteering for the PWC Auxiliary, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Shop and support the PWC

Shop through eScrip
Sign up for eScrip to have your credit card purchases at brick and mortar stores automatically help the PWC. Participating merchants contribute a percentage of your purchases to the PWC. There is no charge for using this service. Use our escrip number #144044203 to sign up.
In addition, you can do your online shopping, including travel reservations, without having to register with eScrip by clicking here.

Shop online through iGive
Shop your favorite online vendors though and a percentage of your purchase goes to the PWC.
Order PWC merchandise
Purchase one of our eight CDs. Please see the Recordings page for details!
The Peninsula Women’s Chorus is a nonprofit organization funded in part by grants and generous contributions from our corporate sponsors, gala donors, and the community. Website hosting has been generously donated by

The PWC is a nonprofit corporation in accordance with the provisions of the IRS Code, Section 501(c)(3). If you wish to see our supporting documentation, please visit our Public Documents page.