Saturday, May 15, 2021 @ 4:00pm
Virtual Concert

Watch “We Have a Voice!” for FREE!

The virtual concert and the post-concert backstage reception are now available for viewing on-demand at no extra cost! Experience it for the first time or watch it as many times as you would like through June 30, 2021, and share it with all of your friends and family.

“I have a voice—it trembles and it shakes like thunder.” – Moira Smiley

The past year has forced us to endure hardships and isolation, and the pandemic has magnified deeply rooted inequality and injustice. We have sung for more than a year, together, yet separated by screens. As we carry on boldly into the spring of 2021, the Peninsula Women’s Chorus offers a message of resilience: we are stronger when we march together, and when we continue to join our voices with those around us.

Under the leadership of Interim Artistic Director Corie Brown, the PWC voices our response to crisis and our emergence into hope through the music of six North American composers. From Randall Thompson’s deeply poignant setting of the Frost poem “Come In” that explores humanity at the crossroads of grief and hope, to the ethereal “Dolce Cantavi” by Caroline Shaw, we reflect on themes of isolation, fear, and light. Spoken poetry written in response to our time is woven together with “We Shall Be Known” by Mamuse and the vivacious and fierce “I Have a Voice” by Moira Smiley, who adapted the piece for our virtual choir. Both offer a bold declaration of what we can do through embodied singing, and through the return to and reaffirmation of our core values of connection and community.

Sing with us, move with us, shout with us from all corners of the world — we DO have a voice!

Join us for our post-concert backstage reception! Interim Artistic Director Corie Brown, composer and body percussion master Moira Smiley, and members of our virtual production team will offer an inside look at the making of We Have A Voice! Bring a beverage of choice to celebrate with us directly following the program! The concert will be available to view on-demand thru June 30, 2021.

Sneak preview of “We Have a Voice!”

A tour of PWC’s Spring 2021 virtual concert with Artistic Director Corie Brown

The magic of collaboration at the PWC: “We Have a Voice!”

View Concert Program PDF

Concert Program

    CompositionComposer / ArrangerNotes

  1. Dolce Cantavi Caroline Shaw
  2. Come In Randall Thompson
  3. I Have A Voice Moira Smiley
  4. God will give orders/Sweet child Sarah Quartel
  5. We Shall Be Known Karisha Longaker
  6. The Storm Is Passing Over Charles Albert Tindley