Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 2:30pm
First Congregational Church, 1985 Louis Rd, Palo Alto, CA

General $25, Young Audience $10, Pay-What-You-Wish

The idea for the New Music for Treble Voices Festival (NMFTV) came about in 2008 with the realization that the Bay Area is home to several acclaimed treble choirs, all national and international leaders in commissioning and performing new music. Founding groups were Volti, a professional choir dedicated to American contemporary music, Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir, both conducted by Robert Geary, and the Peninsula Women’s Chorus (PWC), conducted by Dr. Martín Benvenuto.

Hosted and produced by the PWC since 2013, this invitational festival under the direction of Dr. Anne K. Hege brings together experienced treble choirs with an affinity for innovative new music. In line with PWC’s mission of creating and performing diverse, dynamic, and adventurous music, we believe maintaining a forum for new music is essential as it inspires and enriches our singers and audiences.

Join us in celebration with some of the Bay Area’s finest treble choirs in an afternoon of exciting music making.